Your Part

To carry on Mother Teresa’s legacy of rescuing poor and dying children around the world, Mother Teresa Children’s Foundation depends entirely on the donations of caring and concerned friends like you. It is truly an honor to follow in the footsteps of such a caring and compassionate indvidual like Blessed Teresa, but we cannot continue without the support of people who share our hopes, and concerns.

More than 5 million children die every year from conditions caused by the places in which they live, learn, and play. There are millions of children worldwide who cannot receive simple vaccinations that can protect them from disease and illness. Will you help rescue these precious children from destitution? If you would like to join with us to make a lasting difference or if you have questions or comments please contact us. If you would like to send a donation please choose your country specific website at the bottom of this page. Thank you for your care and support for the poorest of the poor.